17 Gorgeous Houses with Living Trees Incorporated into Their Design

When a new building rises, many of us wonder how many trees were felled to make way for it. But that’s not the case every time. Sometimes architects, clever architects, find a way to incorporate a living tree into their design, creating absolutely stunning structures that bring the outdoors inside. Take a look!   1. … Read more

Space Colony Designs as Imagined By NASA in the 1970s

In the summer of 1975, NASA produced futuristic designs of three different types of space colonies: The Stanford Torus, The Bernal Sphere, and The O’Neill Cylinder. Take a look!   The Stanford Torus The Stanford Torus was the principal design considered by the 1975 NASA Summer Study, which was conducted in conjunction with Stanford University. … Read more

Construction Work Led to Unearthing Of Incredible 1700-Year-Old Mosaic Masterpiece

Israel’s Antiquities Authority released news of the discovery of a massive 1,700 year-old Roman mosaic in the central Israeli city of Lod. The ancient masterpiece was unearthed during a construction project of a visitor center intended to house the Lod Mosaic that was first discovered in the same site two decades ago. ©Nir Elias / … Read more

Hyperrealistic Miniature Film Sets Housed in a French Museum

Painstakingly handcrafted by world-renowned miniaturists including artist and curator Dan Ohlman, these tiny scenes will trick you into believing they are indeed life-size! The miniature sets are housed in a 16th century building in Lyon, France and is the proud collection of Musée Miniature et Cinéma. The 5-story museum contains over 100 handcrafted models, all … Read more