Why You Shouldn’t Check Your Phones Before Bedtime

Checking our phones and laptops is what most of us do first thing in the morning. It’s also the last thing we do before we go to sleep at night. We’re all guilt of this, right? We’re also aware that this hard-to-kick habit has negative effects on our health. Unfortunately, staring at screens right before … Read more

Did You Know Coconut Oil Can Fix All Your Teeth And Gums Problems? (Save You A Ton Of Money, Too)

You’ve probably heard of the many wonders coconut oil can do for your body. It can whiten your nails, heal scars, cure infections, and it’s great for your skin as well . Also, if you’re one of those people who are not huge fans of dental floss, then you’d be happy to know coconut oil … Read more

We Might Be Looking At Needle-Free Blood Tests In The Future With “The Hemolink!”

Rejoice, needle phobics of the world! The future is now less scary as a Wisconsin start-up, Tasso Inc, has come up with a needle-free way of drawing blood for test.   Behold, the Hemolink! This clever little device utilizes micro-fluid properties and use a vacuum-like process to draw blood from below the skin without having … Read more