This Woman Keeps This Letter With Her At All Times. When You Read What It Says, You’ll Know Why.

In this woman’s wallet is a note that she carries with her wherever she goes. Whenever she’s having a bad day, she said, all she does is get the note from the wallet and read.

This is that note.


Here’s the letter in a clearer transcript:

Dear Mr. (name erased),

Baby girl, (name erased), was born from a premature delivery at 6 months gestation age. Serious immaturity was present and Respiratory Distress Syndrome due to Hyaline Membrane Disease has also been present since birth.

Her birth weight was 1 lb 1 oz, possibilities of survival were extremely thin (less than 1%). Treatment with Assisted Ventilation and Intravenous Hyperalimentation, have been given to the present time, with good results. Problem of Anemic, Metabolic Acidosis and Hyperpotasenemia have been successfully corrected.

She is expected to stay in the hospital for several weeks. Neurological, cardiac and respiratory function have been improving. If you have any questions regarding this patient, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

(name erased)

That baby girl mentioned in the letter is now 34 years old.

(Source: Reddit)
