This The Real Story Behind This Inspiring Photo

We posted this heartwarming image on Facebook several months ago. Many people, including us here at Atchuup, were very much inspired by it.

Thanks to the link sent to me by a friend, we finally found the backstory of the image, and more photos of the son’s graduation as well.

Hope this will make you smile today. Enjoy!


According to sources, the farmer lost his wife during childbirth. Since then, he spent every day of his life working hard in the farm to care for his son, and send him to college.


He gave up everything so that his son could have a brighter future.


On his graduation day, the son said that his father is the biggest inspiration of his life. He graduated from Ratchapat University in Chiang Rai in Northern Thailand.


Sources: Reddit | pantip

Based on the hood and stripe on the ceremonial gown he’s wearing, it’s guessed that he graduated with a doctorate. He can now support his father and repay him for all his hard work and sacrifices so he could succeed in life.

Such an inspiring story! Congratulations to both of them!
