23 Famous People You Probably Didn’t Know Had Twins. Wait, There’s Two Of Them?! Not Fair.

While thinking of a clever title for this article, the first thought that came to my head is “Hey, some of the twins of these celebs are disappointingly normal. How about that?” But that didn’t pan out well with our editor. Anyway, most of these popular people on the list have twins (virtually unknown to … Read more

28 Rare Photos of Famous Celebrities You’ve Probably Never Seen. #27 Is Absolutely Stunning.

These are vintage photographs of famous celebrities taken at off-beat moments and intimate instances that really capture their true nature. You may probably have seen some of them before, but I’m pretty sure not all of them. In any case, these rare photos deserve another look. Enjoy! 1. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, 1991 2. … Read more