The children are our future. With all the negative things going on with the world today, it’s very uplifting to see there is still so much kindness in the world. Below is an inspiring compilation of amazing kids just restore our faith in humanity.
1. 7-year-old boy who makes safety glow buttons to keep kids playing Pokemon Go safe

2. Young Portugal fan comforting a teary-eyed French fan after the Euro 2016 Finals
3. 9-year-old Josef Miles filled his Mom with pride when he made an impromptu protest of Westboro Baptist Church, Kansas

4. 9-year-old girl who grows food and builds homes for the homeless!

5. 8-year-old Noah who completed a mini-triathlon with his disabled brother Lucas

6. This heroic boy who risks his life to save a drowning baby deer from the flood in Bangladesh

7. Henry the Emotional Environmentalist
8. Boy saved $120 this year to help the homeless. He made them lunches

9. 9-year-old boy builds a no-kill animal shelter in his garage

10. 8-year-old boy who was bullied for 2 years while growing his hair long to make wigs for kids suffering from cancer

11. This kid who helps the bunny to climb a sculpture

12. Baby trying to dry the tears of a crying Japanese politician

13. This 3-year-old girl who saw a little girl without hair and asked why she was bald. When she realized she was sick and the medicine made her hair fall out. She said: “Oh. She can have some of my hair.”

14. A girl protect a stray dog during monsoon rains in Mumbai

15. 13-year-old boy saved his baseball coach’s life by administering CPR and calling 911

16. Kids in Canada tied coats to street poles to help homeless prepare for winter