Why Colleges Should Consider Racism Problems

There have been a lot of incidents in recent years of police brutality against brown and black Americans. Lots of colleges across the nation have been contending with racist legacies by removing statues and renaming campus buildings. All learning institutions have to take a bold stand when it comes to the creation of anti-racist institutions. In 2020, hundreds of college students protested institutional unresponsiveness to racism issues. 

The media and research paper focused on the growing number of protests instead of the issues that have led to campus unrest. For instance, instead of exploring the experiences that led to demonstrations among students, journalists focused on football teams and the financial implication of their activities. Tutors and faculty members need to understand the consequences of racism in college. Racism is a serious problem that has affected millions of people over the years. If you are a student who is interested in solving racism problems in college, this article is for you.

1. Eliminate the culture of ignorance and silence around racism and read free essay example

Cases of racial tension have been on the rise in college for the past few years. And this has led to the need for college leaders to hold conversations about this issue which remains a taboo topic. Nowadays, a lot of people are met with anger, resistance, and disengagement when they try discussing racism problems. Being open to conversations around this topic can help in eliminating this issue. White people need to examine how their racial privileges manifest and create social and economic problems for minorities. Remaining silent and indifferent to this topic can greatly affect you and your loved ones.

White supremacy is caused by silence and white difference. To eliminate the culture of silence, you need to read racism essay examples, understand that racism exists and most people don’t know when or how to define this problem. White people need to read free examples and essays to start holding conversations about the presence of racism and how it can be eradicated. Their silence contributes to the complexity of this topic.

In college, tutors play an important role in eradicating silence around the subject of racism. Education stakeholders should create an environment where students feel empowered to share their experiences.

2. Analyze peoples’ sense of belonging

A sense of belonging is defined as the emotional attachment that an individual has toward their environment. A learner’s level of comfort is determined by their attachment to their professors and peers. In our modern world, people of color have reported feeling disengaged and disconnected from the bigger culture. Various research studies have shown that grading college papers and exposure to racism can lead to low self-esteem and decreased sense of belonging. 

A sense of belonging is essential to an individual’s professional and personal success. People who report feeling a lack of belonging are usually disengaged in their environment. They also experience a lack of confidence in their abilities. And this leads to poor performance in school or the workplace. Since students spend hundreds of hours in class, tutors plan an important role in creating a conducive learning environment, especially for minority students. To enhance the sense of belonging for students, tutors should:

  • Know student names: Knowing someone’s name and sending teacher comments for students’ writing regularly makes them valued and respected
  • Meet with students during office hours: Learners should feel comfortable seeking help when they need it. Encourage your students to ask questions and communicate about the issues that they are facing.
  • Share their experiences with other students: This exercise will allow students to connect. And this will create a conducive environment for everyone to thrive.
  • Normalize college struggles: While college is an amazing place to be, it can be challenging to get things done and achieve your goals. As a tutor, you probably understand what your students are going through. They are under constant pressure to spell for good grades, read the student contract for grades, submit their assignments on time and get good grades. Apart from that, they might be struggling with shame and fear. For them to achieve their goals, you need to support and assist them whenever you can. You can encourage students to create focus groups and involve themselves in different campus activities. When you have the right information at your fingertips, it’s easy to solve the problems that exist in your environment.

3. Evaluate the importance of cultural relevance to student support

Offering student support services that are culturally relevant is essential if you want to enhance a learner’s sense of belonging. Most minority students don’t have the time or energy to look for a tutor and share their experiences. Therefore, it’s important to have a support system that can respond to their needs. Students need advice and mental counseling to deal with the issue of racism effectively. When communicating with minority students, you should focus on:

  • Learning about communicating on racial issues
  • Pursuing anti-racist education
  • The effects of culture on racism


Doing away with racism in college is not an easy task. It involves continuous inquiry and assessment to take the appropriate action. It involves looking at systems and structures holistically that prevent minority students from thriving and doing away with them.