When to Consider Cannabis as a Medication: 6 Things to Know

As a medicine, cannabis is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to relieve various conditions. As with any form of medical treatment, it is vital to understand the benefits and risks associated with the use of cannabis before committing to it as a way to cure what ails you. For those considering the use of medicinal marijuana, there are a few essential things to consider. This post will explore six key things you should understand before committing to a new drug regimen. By understanding these critical points, you can gain a deeper insight into the potential medical applications of cannabis.

You Don’t Have To Get Use The Stuff That Gets You High

Be honest, what do you think about when someone mentions the word cannabis or its various derivative nomenclatures? If you are like most folks, you most likely believe it gets you high and creates intoxicating effects that impair judgment and other bodily functions. While this is primarily true if you use the full-fat variations that include a compound known as THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), there is another option that can provide a plethora of beneficial effects without an associated “high.” CBD, or Cannabidiol, belongs to the class of compounds known as cannabinoids, and unlike its better-known cousin, THC, it is non-psychoactive, meaning you cannot get high from it. Instead, it has been found to offer a range of potential health benefits, including relief from pain, inflammation, anxiety, and depression. In recent years, Cannabidiol has become increasingly popular and is now used in various products, including oils (the base), edibles, topicals, and vape pens.

Understand State Laws

It is important to understand the laws in your state before considering medical marijuana for yourself or a loved one. A Schedule I substance, cannabis is still illegal to possess and use under the Controlled Substances Act. However, many states allow the use of medical or recreational cannabis. In order to be sure that you are within the legal limits when you use cannabis, it is imperative that you are familiar with the laws in your state. You can consult a lawyer, such as a Phoenix possession of marijuana for sale defense lawyer, or a state-licensed medical professional if you do not know your state’s laws. Moreover, even if marijuana is legal for medical use, it might not be readily available (unless it is legal for both recreational and medical use). It may be necessary to obtain a special permit allowing you to purchase from a dedicated, state-licensed dispensary if you want to try it out.

Talk To A Medical Professional

It’s essential to consult with a doctor or healthcare professional before using any form of cannabis as a medication, even if it’s legal in a state. If you are considering cannabis as a medication, your doctor can assess your medical condition, provide medical advice, and discuss potential risks. In addition, a medical professional can help determine the appropriate dosage and type of cannabis to use as a medication. While most reputable scientists and government institutions don’t show any indications of adverse side effects, you should treat it like you would if you were to begin any other course of medicine. That is to say, speak with someone who knows what they’re talking about (and that doesn’t include Dr. Google!). Nonetheless, as previously mentioned, some states may require you to consult a medical professional before purchasing this medication.

Research Effectiveness Yourself By Checking Online And Asking Friends And Family Who Also Use It

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting cannabis can be an effective treatment for specific medical conditions, but more work remains to be done. The research does not just involve human studies; it also involves animal studies, laboratory studies, and in vitro studies. You should look for studies published in peer-reviewed journals that have been conducted under controlled conditions. You can also speak with other people you might know who use it as a medicine and get their personal opinions. Even if you conclude that some of the advantages result from a placebo effect, it might not hurt to try it yourself, especially in Cannabidiol form, and see if you can replicate the effects.

Consider Interactions With Other Medications

It is crucial to understand how cannabis may interact with other medications you may be taking before taking it for medical use. Different drugs can interact with cannabis differently, and it is essential to be aware of these interactions. 

Monitor Symptoms And Side Effects

In order to ensure that cannabis is working effectively and not causing any adverse side effects, monitoring your symptoms and side effects is crucial once you’ve decided to give it a shot. When using cannabis, you should keep regular notes on your feelings and how the cannabis is affecting you. You should keep track of any changes you experience in your mood, behavior, and symptoms. Dizziness or nausea are unpleasant side effects that should be discussed with your doctor and reduced dosage or substituted with another medication.

Cannabis can be a potent medication for various conditions, with research showing promise for its use in treating cancer, epilepsy, and other diseases. However, the decision to use it as a medication should be taken seriously and discussed with your healthcare provider.