The Ultimate Window Cleaning Robot Guide And Helpful Tips
Like most homeowners (if not all), you probably don’t enjoy cleaning the windows of your home.
The mere thought of spending your entire day scrubbing and washing the windows is enough to tire you, right?
Fortunately, with advancements in technology, you can now rely on a window cleaning robot to perform the daunting job for you.
What’s more, it could be also used for cleaning tiled walls!

It’s like a robovac for windows. These tools will not entirely eliminate the need for you to clean your windows manually.
Keep in mind that similar to all smart home devices, they have restrictions. Still, they’ll make the chore more manageable and you don’t need to do it as often.
So if you want to make your life at home a bit easier, this guide can help you find the right robot window cleaner for your needs.

How Does A Window Cleaning Robot Work?
A robot window cleaner is an electronic device meant to automate window cleaning. It’s just like your typical robot vacuum cleaner but can maneuver around vertical surfaces.
The robot attaches to your window using a motorized suction. It also features small wheels to help it glide easily from one end of your window to the other.
Meanwhile, its soft cleaning pad takes care of all the dirt while washing your whole window thoroughly.

One of the things you’ll like about a window cleaning robot is its ease of operation. Once you add your preferred cleaning solution, simply attach it to your window, and leave it there to do its task.
Also, some models could stay on the window even with a small power outage. So that’s one less thing you have to worry about.
But the convenience it offers does not stop there. When your unit is done with its chore, it’ll send out an alert to let you know that it’s finished with the window.
Simply, place it to the next window and go back to whatever it is you’re doing.

Different Types Of Robot Window Cleaners
If you’re new to these devices, you’re probably wondering how exactly they attach to your window.
Since the majority of windows are vertical, it’s quite challenging for these cleaners to defy gravity. So how can they move around the surface of your window and not fall off?
Concerning this issue, a window cleaning robot comes in two types:

Suction or Vacuum Connectivity
This window cleaner attaches to the window you’ll clean with the help of a motor that generates suction.
One of the advantages of this connectivity is its convenience. There’s no need for you to access either side of your windows when attaching your unit.
Likewise, it can traverse other surfaces, including mirrors and floors. However, its biggest downside is that it’s more likely to slip or fail.
Hence, a lot of robot window cleaners with suction connectivity features a safety cable or tether.

Magnetic Connectivity
This connectivity is more traditional and comes with two magnets. The magnetic attraction created by these magnets holds your window cleaner in place as it moves across the surface.
Its operating principle is straightforward as well. If placed close enough, the two magnets will attract.
To start using your unit, simply place the piece of magnet that comes with it on the opposite side of your window.
Then, place your cleaner that comes with a small magnet on the other side to attach it to the window surface.

Some cleaners utilize one magnet on one side and a magnetic metal on the other side.
Meanwhile, some utilize a couple of magnets on opposite sides of your window. But whatever model you choose, the principle remains the same.
Magnetic connectivity is more reliable in comparison to the suction or vacuum type.
Nevertheless, you need to access both sides of your window, which may not be viable all the time.
What about shape?
Robot window cleaners are either square or round in shape. Those with a square or rectangular shape make it easier to tackle the corners of your windows.
On the other hand, models with a round shape are more compact and lightweight.

How Useful Are These Robots?
Aside from convenience and safety, here are some key benefits a robot window cleaner offer:
● These cleaners are AI-based. This means that your cleaning gadget will be able to take care of your windows from top to bottom, including those hard to reach and tricky areas. Some models even feature different stages for drying and polishing.
● As mentioned, it’s not safe and easy to clean high rise windows. A window cleaning robot comes with a sensor technology that can scan, map, and determine the safest cleaning path for it.
● They simplify your cleaning chores. With a simple push of a button, you can control your robot or access it remotely. Plus, they usually come with a battery backup to ensure continuous function in case of power failure.

Features To Consider When Looking For The Best Window Cleaner
There are several factors to consider to ensure you choose the window cleaning robot that best suits your requirements.
Most of the features you need to look for will depend on how much space you need to clean in one go.
Additionally, you have an option to opt for a cleaner with a remote control or a unit that’s entirely automated.
Moreover, you want a durable robot that can serve you for many years. For this, you have to check if it has a sturdy exterior, offers ample battery cycle, and secure AI-based algorithms.
Some models are pricier than others, which are usually more suitable for commercial use. Still, there are plenty of budget-friendly cleaners for your smart home.
With that in mind, here are some window cleaning robot features to keep in mind:
● Size. Size matters in window cleaners. Make sure to opt for a device large enough to handle a wide window surface before it runs out of battery.
● Weight. This will play a key role in your robot’s suction strength and power output. Since it needs to maintain proper suction on your window, most window cleaning robots do not weigh that much.
● Suction. This is a crucial element in the operation of your cleaner since it’s what will keep it on the surface long enough to finish its task.
● Power. This refers to the robot’s motor. Generally, you need a window cleaner with more power and weight to wash larger windows.
● Battery life. The battery life of most window cleaners is short. On average, a unit can clean about ten windows with a single charge. Some models can run up to fifteen minutes, while some can last more than thirty minutes.
● Cord length. If your windows are high rise and large, look for a window cleaning gadget with a long enough and stable cable that can cover large areas in as little time as possible.
● Smart cleaning. It’s also essential to consider AI technology if it enables the window cleaner to accurately and freely navigate a surface while running. You’ll find some units with extra features that can take care of specific problems, such as hidden corners and free fall. On the other hand, those with sensors can detect and help them evade sharp edges.
● Cleaning patterns. You can find more advanced units that offer various smart cleaning patterns and modes. This feature is quite nice. However, they’re not as crucial since your robotic window cleaner will eventually cover the entire surface.
● Noise level. A lot of these smart cleaning devices will create some noise. So when shopping around for one, check if noise is going to be a big problem in your environment. Opt for a robot window cleaner with a noise level below 60 decibels if its sound will cause issues.
● App connectivity. Newer models typically come with app connectivity, allowing you to use your smartphone or tablet to control your robot cleaner. This is a very handy feature, especially if you’re always busy even when you’re at home.
Why Should I Get A Window Cleaning Robot?
Window cleaning is both laborious and boring. So no wonder these automated robots are trending today.
With that said, a robotic window cleaner is not that cheap. The biggest question now is, will it provide value for your money? And what are the benefits it presents?
Well, if your windows are located at very high parts of your home, then it’s well worth investing in.
It doesn’t matter how much you spend on a cleaner if it means preventing you from falling and breaking your limb, or worse, losing your life just to ensure your windows are sparkly clean.
Another reason to get one is if your property has large windows with glass spanning wide.
You can use the best window cleaning robot for a large area of glazing. Therefore, you don’t have to waste your valuable time scrubbing them.
Plus, you may not have a hard surface for leaning your ladder just so you can tackle every nook and cranny of your windows.
It’s also ideal if you simply don’t like the task itself. Perhaps you’re not really that good at keeping your windows clean no matter how hard you scour them.
Additionally, you may find a window cleaning robot worth your while if you hate seeing dust accumulating on window surfaces but hate the hard work even more.