Style Yourself With the Top 7 Natural Hair Care Tips

Did you know that the majority of Americans are unhappy or bored with their hair? In terms of appearance, many people would take a few extra pounds rather than have a hairstyle they did not like.

Would you like to take better care of your hair or make it more healthy? Here are seven natural hair care tips to have the hairdo of your dreams.

  1. Take Vitamins and Supplements

If your hair is feeling dry or lackluster, then you may want to try nourishing it with vitamins and minerals that will benefit it. Some of the most popular hair care vitamins include Vitamin A, B, D, and E, all of which hold nutritional value that will benefit your strands.

Sometimes getting excess nutrients in your diet can be difficult, so you may be able to use supplements instead. This method of getting your vitamins and minerals is great for women who may have trouble getting vitamins or are too busy to pay attention to them.

Before taking any supplements, you should remember to discuss them with your primary care physician. Then you can establish a routine of taking the right amount of nutrients you need to keep your hair healthy.

  1. Try Using a Hair Mask

Even if you take nutrients that help to replenish your hair, you should still make sure that you are directly applying care to your strands. One of the easiest ways to give your hair a spa day treatment is a hair mask.

You can buy a hair mask from many popular brands in small, single-use packets that have the solution inside of them. All you have to do is follow the directions and let the formula do its work to bring life back to your strands.

If you want to go the route of do-it-yourself, you can easily find many hair mask recipes online that have common household ingredients. These can be made on the fly and are often cheaper than the alternatives.

  1. Avoid Heat Whenever Possible

Although styling tools can be helpful when doing your hair in a rush, sometimes they can still harm your strands. Putting too much heat on your hair causes dryness and prolonged damage to your hair.

An easy way to lessen the direct exposure of heat onto your hair is to use the coolest settings on your tools. For example, blow dryers often have a cool setting, so you can still dry your hair quickly, but without the heated function.

The best solution is to try to avoid heat at all costs when you style your hair. You can put your hair in curlers the night before you want a curly hairstyle, rather than using a hot curling iron.

  1. Help Hair Retain Moisture

One of the biggest complaints about hair is that it is too dry. Although many hair care products promise to bring moisture back into your hair, sometimes you need to take extra steps to keep it looking shiny, healthy, and moisturized.

When you take a shower, make sure to wash and rinse your hair with cool water if possible. Leave your conditioning or moisturizing products in long enough for your strands to keep the moisture in as much as possible.

You should also try to deep condition your hair as often as is recommended for your style and texture. Deep conditioning will provide long-lasting hydration that will keep your hair silky smooth and easy to work with.

  1. Apply Shampoo Without Sulfates

Drugstore shampoos may seem like a money-conscious way to go when you’re purchasing your hair care products, but they often don’t contain the nutrition your hair needs. They often have sulfates as a primary ingredient.

Sulfates can help clean your hair, but they also can cause dryness and lack of nutrients in your strands. They often strip the hair of its natural oils that keep the scalp moisturized and healthy.

As a result, one of the biggest traits of high-end shampoos is that they are often free of sulfates. Remember that these shampoos lack lather, so you should still use the same amount you normally would and wash your hair as usual.

  1. Eat Foods That Nourish Your Hair

If you want to go the most natural route possible to take care of your strands, then you should focus on how diet affects the appearance of hair. Once you know what nutrients your hair needs, then you can incorporate them into your diet.

Biotin is one of the most important nutrients for healthy hair, so ensure that you eat enough of it regularly. Luckily, it is easy to get into your normal eating routine, as biotin can be found in eggs, most meats, and nuts and seeds.

Vitamin A is vital for the growth of all types of cells in the body, including hair follicles, as it helps to keep the scalp moisturized. Many types of fruits and vegetables have Vitamin A, as well as dairy products.

  1. Avoid Breaking Your Strands

Breakage is a huge complaint among many people with longer hair, so you should try to avoid it at all costs. By getting your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks, you will reduce the appearance of split ends.

You can also make sure your hair remains long by detangling your hair gently when you get out of the shower. One of the best hair care tips is to use a wide-toothed comb or brush to help free your hair from knots and tangles.

If you want a natural detangling solution, ingredients like marshmallow root will do the trick. You should try to regularly brush or comb your hair while wet to keep it healthy.

You’ll Be Successful With These Natural Hair Care Tips

Hair care does not have to be difficult to have perfect strands. With these natural hair care tips and strategies, you can form a plan that will make you feel good about your hair all the time.

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