We’ve heard of stories of people seeing beautiful oasis in the distance in the desert. But of course we’ve almost always dismissed them to be nothing more than stories – after all, those beautiful oasis often end up to be just a mirage.
But apparently, they really do exist! And they’re as beautiful as they’ve been described, perhaps even more.
This is the oasis town of Huacachina. The town, made up of Incan descendants, is nestled in the Peruvian desert, one the driest places on Earth.
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Beautiful, ins’t it?
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Only 96 people live here, and most of their income comes from tourism.
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via Boredom Therapy
The lagoon in the town’s center is formed naturally.
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According to legend, the lagoon formed when an Incan princess fled after catching a man spying on her.
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Locals believe that the lagoon has healing powers.
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Huacachina’s closest neighbor is the city of Lima, which is thousands of miles away.
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Sadly, this beautiful oasis town’s water levels are dropping every year, no thanks to climate change. We can’t help but hope it doesn’t disappear completely.
via Boredom Therapy