How to Write an Incredible Essay Using Online Writing Tools

You can achieve more if you start using modern tools. Some orthodox writers continue to create in an old-fashioned way and flatly refuse to use advanced online services and convenient mobile applications. It’s always unwise to hinder progress, and turning down efficient tools that work great is especially weird.

Today we will talk about the best tools for academic and professional writing and the best ways to integrate them into your writing routine. Most of these tools have been in the kit of every expert writer for several years now. Even if you integrate at least some of these tools into your daily writing routine, you can write faster and better. You will probably start writing cleaner and better papers and become less likely to apply for professional essay help online.

#1 Step One: Brainstorming and Outlining

Each stage of writing a quality essay can be optimized with the help of modern writing tools. The first stage in writing any essay is choosing a topic and brainstorming. Regardless of whether a professor gave you an issue or you chose a subject of personal interest, it would help if you started with a comprehensive analysis of the topic.

Consider why you are interested in a particular topic, and then form and write out primary theses. We recommend using tools like Evernote or Notion to edit the list of ideas because these applications offer a convenient interactive text editor with a pleasant and user-friendly interest. In addition, Notion offers you an AI assistant built right into the text editor that can format your outline or help you complete your brainstorming.

#2 Step Two: Conduct Advanced Academic Research

Research is the most crucial stage in writing any paper because, at this stage, you collect information based on which you will build your future essay. Research is an informational skeleton forming the basis for future arguments and theses.

Academic research is a long, monotonous, and time-consuming process that you can speed up with various writing tools. Try Scrivener and Authoria; these tools can significantly speed up and simplify your research.

Researchers that need to manage a lot of research at once can benefit significantly from using Scrivener. Writing for academia is even more difficult than writing for graduate school. However, it is used by many eminent scholars in their scholarly works.

Scrivener can synchronize with your mobile device to keep your work in one place while you explore new locations, get inspiration, and write on the go. Using Scrivener is a breeze and will improve how your writing is structured. You can organize your study in discrete subpages within chapters. You can also incorporate relevant images and text boxes into your posts. It’ll help you manage your thoughts and sources for a superior research paper.

If you want to a) create/upload your research paper, b) disseminate it, and c) get it published in prestigious publications, Authorea is the writing tool for you. If you’re a young scholar looking to publish your work, Authorea is the way to go. Authorea is compatible with Scrivener as well.

#3 Step Three: Write and Proofread Your Essay

The stage of writing comes next. This stage takes a lot of time, and students make the most mistakes in this stage. We recommend sticking to the classic essay structure to guarantee a reliable grade and result. Classical design is called classical for a reason, and only masters who have already mastered the classics to perfection are recommended to deviate from it.

The writing stage is closely intertwined with the editing and proofreading. This is the most extensive and lengthy stage of writing an essay, where you can get the most out of the new writing tools.


Grammarly is the first and most obvious tool, the modern gold standard firmly entrenched in every expert writer’s routine. Grammarly will point out spelling and stylistic mistakes, help you catch a lot of shortcomings in the writing process, and even help you complete individual essay fragments using the built-in Grammarly GO AI-writing service. Grammarly is the best friend of every modern writer, both professional and amateur.

Hemingway Editor

One of our preferred writing aids is Hemingway Editor. The program flags overly complicated phrases as a potential source of reader confusion and helps you fix them. The computer chops these complex, meandering words into manageable pieces with spaces in between.  It’s clear where any extraneous language may be removed. The Hemingway Editor app is a free download for Apple’s iOS devices.

Hemingway Editor has the following significant pros:

  • Aids in identifying problematic areas of your writing, such as passive voice and complex sentence construction.
  • Hemingway is a free service that checks spelling and grammar.
  • It is possible to obtain software for offline use by downloading it.
  • It helps come up with alternate wording for challenging statements.
  • Hemingway increases your writing’s readability and helps your audience grasp what you’re trying to say.
  • It is a free download for Apple’s iOS devices.


Working in academia has taught me the value of generating well-researched and well-written work. ProWritingAid is an intelligent writing assistant that helps to proofread papers before submitting them. Students may use the learning tool’s in-depth analysis to polish their essays for publication.

ProWritingAid is one of the best tools for editing and proofreading your essay, but the free app available to every student is limited. To fully enjoy the benefits of this app, you will need to upgrade to the premium version.

The Bottom Line

A professional modern writer is not only talented and experienced but also has a suitable set of tools in a kit. Mobile writing apps and interactive online editors do about half the author’s work nowadays.

With writing apps, you can catch errors and typos, generate ideas, optimize the research process, leave notes and comments about exciting ideas, and even ask the application to complete a sentence or section. Writing apps are a daily routine of modern writing, and the sooner you introduce new tools into your writing process, the sooner you will increase your efficiency.