How to Protect Your Home From a Pest Infestation

Fortunately, you can use some easy steps to protect your home from a pest infestation.

By simply keeping your home clean and free of debris, you can minimize the attraction of pests. Also, by sealing off common entry points, you can keep bugs from getting into your home.

Let’s dive into the details.

Sealing off Common Ways that Bugs Gain Access to Your Home

Among the many ways that bugs gain access to your home, sealing up the entry points is a good way to get rid of the bugs and prevent their return.

In order to get the best results, you must first locate and seal the entry points. These entry points can be found in many areas of your home.

Spray Foam

One of the best ways to seal off the bug entrances is by using a spray foam product. This is best suited for sealing cracks in the exterior walls. In addition, you should check the foundation for holes or gaps. If there are any, you can fill them with mortar or new bricks.

Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Another way to keep bugs at bay is by keeping the kitchen clean. Keeping your microwave clean, keeping dishes in the sink instead of leaving them there overnight, and keeping food in an airtight container can help keep bugs at bay.

Also, you should regularly clean up crumbs and food scraps.

Roof and Siding

In addition to the kitchen, you should also consider sealing off other potential entry points around the house. The roof is a great place for insects to congregate, so you should keep branches from resting on the roof. Similarly, you should make sure the siding on your house is free of cracks and other snagging points.


Another thing to consider is the windows in your home. You may want to seal the windows in your home with a good quality window screen. Also, make sure you don’t leave the windows open at night. In addition, you should make sure your garage door is also properly sealed.

Another good way to keep bugs at bay is by storing pet food and other foods in airtight containers.

Cleaning your Home Reduces the Attraction of Pests

Keeping your home clean is one of the best ways to reduce the attraction of pests. Pests come into your home looking for food and water. Clean floors and countertops are good for reducing the attraction of bugs.

Clutter can attract a number of different pests. If you have a lot of clutter, you should remove it. You should also clean your counters after each meal. Keep the corners of the room clean.

Pests can also hide in old scraps of wood. These scraps can provide pests with shelter and food. You can also reduce the attraction of pests by keeping your home well-ventilated and dry.

Check for leaks in your home. There may be tiny leaks that provide sufficient water for pests. These leaks can be caused by plumbing appliances. You should take steps to repair any leaks and make sure that the area is dry.

Be careful about firewood. Pests love to live near firewood. Never store firewood next to your home. If you have a fireplace, you can move the firewood away from your home.

You should also remove any overgrown vegetation. Pests like overgrown vegetation because these provide food and moisture.

Keeping Your Garbage Area Clean

Keeping your garbage area clean is one of the best ways to protect your home from a pest infestation. Pests are attracted to food and rotting garbage.

The best way to keep your garbage area clean is to clean it regularly. This can be done by wiping down the walls and floor. You can also clean the bins with a disinfectant spray. Use a hose to clean the trash cans every so often.

You should also move your garbage cans a little bit away from your home. This will make it less likely that your home will be infested. Use heavy-duty trash bags to keep the pests out.

A good idea, and not so expensive, is to use motion-activated lights to keep nocturnal animals from raiding your bins.

Keeping your trash cans closed is also important. This will help minimize the chance of maggots forming inside.

And make sure to seal up any cracks or holes in your garbage cans. This will keep pests out and minimize the chances of an infestation.

Preventing Mosquitoes from Breeding in Stagnant Water

During summertime, it’s important to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in stagnant water to keep your home free from an infestation.

Mosquitoes can be dangerous and can carry diseases. While no vaccines are available for dengue, chikungunya, or Zika, you can prevent mosquito bites by using insect repellant.

Preventing mosquitoes from breeding in stagnant water involves removing any sources of water from around your home. You’ll need to look around your yard for places where water collects. This could be a kiddie pool, a birdbath, your pool, or any other stagnant water source.

You’ll also want to make sure that you’re not leaving any water containers out for longer. This includes water buckets, flower pots, and other containers. Clean out these containers at least once a week.

Use a larvicide to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in stagnant waters. Larvicides are available in home and garden stores. Although keep in mind that they can be effective in preventing mosquitoes from breeding, but may not be safe for children.

Another option is to add a skimmer to your pond. A skimmer can remove stagnant water, and it may help prevent mosquito larvae from swimming to the surface. You can also add a few water wigglers.

During mosquito season, you should also make sure your drains are clear. Mosquitoes love drains that are clogged. They provide a perfect place for mosquitoes to lay eggs.

Biological Pest Control

Biological pest control is an approach to pest control that uses living organisms to control pests. These organisms include predatory insects and pathogens.

Biological control can be used against exotic or native pests. However, a large percentage of pests are introduced from other countries. This can pose a serious problem. In fact, non-native control agents have been introduced in 196 countries in the past 120 years.

Biological control can be used against a variety of open-field pests. It may also be used against arthropod pests that are resistant to insecticides.

A successful biocontrol agent is one that has higher potential rates of increase than its prey. In addition, the agent must have a strong search ability for its hosts. Ideally, the agent has a higher reproductive rate and fecundity. It must also be effective at searching for host eggs.

Biological pest control is important because it is cheaper than pesticides. However, it does take time to work.

Biological pest control should be used along with other pest management strategies. Integrated pest management includes judicious use of pesticides, cultural practices, and natural enemies. This is normally done exclusively by professionals.


Pests can be a nuisance, they can also pose a serious threat to your home and family’s health. It is important to take the necessary steps to get rid of these unwanted guests as soon as possible.