CBD Oil and Treats For Pets — When and How to Use Them

CBD has started to gain a lot of popularity as a medical alternative to cannabis, and a way to deal with a lot of problems related to our health without having to rely on more traditional forms of medicine, which are well known for causing nasty side-effects in the long-term run-

With that said, a lot of people still do not understand how CBD (also known as cannabidiol) works and what are its uses. That is why people tend to research before giving it to their pets. Things like their risk, their legality, and how they should use it are some of the most common questions, as well as how cannabidiol affects the system. 

Thus, in this article, we will discuss the most asked questions regarding cannabidiol for pets.

What is Cannabidiol

Cannabidiol is a type of cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Along with THC, the compound that provides cannabis its psychoactive characteristics, it is the second most prevalent cannabinoid found in its extract, and it is incapable of intoxicating people to the point of getting them high.

Therefore, most cannabidiol-based products come from the hemp plant, a derivation of cannabis that contains low levels of THC, only reaching up to 0.03% of its compound levels. This makes CBD a rather reliable alternative in comparison to Cannabis and THC.

How Does it Work

Cannabis and cannabidiol work differently depending on the way they are consumed. When it comes to CBD-products, you have multiple alternatives: smokable CBD-strains, oils, and edibles. When smoked, CBD is absorbed through the bloodstream and affects several neurotransmitters and neurons, causing its effects.

 It is pretty much the same when eaten or consumed but might take longer because of digestion. Smoking tends to cause a much stronger, shorter effect than eaten, but it depends on the strain, or edible consumed.

Cannabis and CBD can also target our endocannabinoid system, a compound of neurotransmitters that are linked to several tasks, and you can learn more about it over here: https://www.healthline.com/health/endocannabinoid-system

The endocannabinoid system along with all the neurons targeted by cannabis is probably the reason why gets high since these neurotransmitters are linked to our perception of our surroundings as well as our five senses. Thankfully, we can avoid this by consuming cannabidiol instead.

Considering how neurons and neurotransmitters are much more sensitive in animals such as dogs and cats, and how marijuana and cannabis are actually toxic to them, cannabis is a much more reliable alternative in comparison.

The Benefits of CBD

Medicinal cannabis and CBD can be used for the same purposes, with the only difference being the THC levels found in both types of products. The same benefits can be enjoyed by both humans and animals since there is no difference in the results. Animal products might contain a different compound structure, so it would be wiser to use them accordingly.

With that said, cannabidiol is commonly used for:

– Pain caused by diseases like cancer

To reduce the inflammation of an inflammatory disease or incident

To help pets (and people) reduce their anxiety.

– Treating anxiety-disorders like separation anxiety, very common in rescued animals

– Reducing stress

– Helping with sleeping disorders

Considering how commonly pets like dogs and cats suffer from these problems when they reach a certain age, cannabidiol-products can prove to be lifesavers for them. Specifically speaking, joint problems and inflammatory diseases like arthritis are great examples of how cannabidiol can help reduce some of their pain and recover their mobility because of this pain relief-effect.

Legality and Safety

The reason why a lot of people prefer to use these products is because of their safety, at least, in comparison to more standard medicines aiming to deal with the same problems. It is well known that pills for sleeping disorders can cause a bunch of problems in the long-term run, for example.

Cannabidiol, although research is still very young, has been proven to cause pretty much harmless side-effects, and these include things like diarrhea, drowsiness, dry mouth, red and teary eyes, and vomiting and headaches in the worst-case scenario.

These side-effects can be easily avoided by consuming the right dosage, though, and we will discuss this in the next section.

Now, talking about its legality, at least in the United States, most states allow the medical use of cannabidiol, with a few exceptions. I recommend you research this before choosing to use it. If you are outside of the United States, research is also needed, but just take into consideration that medical and recreational cannabis has been legalized in many places around the world, so it should not be a problem to use a much reliable, safer alternative. Still, make sure to do your research.

Methods of Use and Dosage

There are multiple presentations of cannabidiol in the market as is it right now, with oil being the most common one. When it comes to pets, though, you can find specific products for them. If you visit Holista Pet, for example, you will get a solid idea of what are your options.

Ideally, you should use it on a scheduled basis, or on special occasions. For example, if your pet suffers from separation anxiety, a condition that makes them go crazy when you leave them alone, you might want to use a product just before you go, to make sure they remain calm and anxiety-free during your leave.

If you want your pet to enjoy a walk through the park, but you know they cannot do it because of their joint pain, that’s a good occasion to use it. It all depends on the circumstances of your pet. 

Now, when it comes to dosages, it depends entirely on the size and weight of your pet. You should always start with small doses, and monitor the results, then adjust properly. Products tend to have a recommended dosage, and that is a good start. 

Now, when it comes to CBD oil, you should consider it to be much easier to manage alternative, but some pets might not like it. The good side of oil is that you can come up with more precise doses but treats and food might be more attractive to your pet, so consider your pet’s personality to decide which product to use.