What Are the Less Obvious Influences of Ancient Greece on Our Everyday Lives?

Greek mythology is considered to be one of the cornerstones of western culture, and the stories from thousands of years ago are still highly prevalent today.

There are some everyday things, especially in mainstream media, which are obviously based on the tales from those ancient times.

But then there are some slightly lesser-known ways that the ancient Greek influence has permeated our everyday lives.

Here are a few things you may not have known were related to Greek mythology.

Greek Mythology Stands Strong in Popular Culture

Look at any game selection for consoles, iGaming, or mobile, and you will be flooded with options based on Greek mythology.

The subject matter has also been used constantly throughout the years in film and television. Age of Gods: King of Olympus, for instance, is a slot game based on Zeus.

In fiction, one of the most popular book and film series is Percy Jackson & The Olympians by Rick Riordan.

Riordan took well-known figures from ancient Greece, and combined them with original stories and characters.


The abovementioned things are clearly inspired by ancient Greece. But other instances of that age’s influence are less obvious. 

Most people will be aware that a vast proportion of words in the English language – around 60 percent, in fact – have Greek or Latin roots.

These are often tagged on to the beginning or end of a word in the form of a prefix or suffix, with well-known words like aqua being used for words related to water, for instance.

But there are also quite a few words which came about thanks to certain characters from Greek mythology. Some of these have interesting backstories.

Take the word, procrustean, for example. This is an adjective used to describe the enforcing of strict conformity or uniformity with the refusal to adapt.

It is derived from the character, Procrustes, who attacked people and stretched them out to fit the size of an iron bed perfectly or, alternatively, chopped their feet or heads off to make them fit.

Another, more commonly used word based on a Greek character is narcissism. This came from the tale of Narcissus, a man who fell in love with himself upon seeing his own reflection in a lake.


Greek mythology is one of the go-to areas for businesses when it comes to thinking up a name. How many famous brands do you think you know which derive their names from ancient Greece?

You probably know more than you think.

Some of the best-known brands are Amazon, which was named after the women warriors, and Hermes, who was the herald of the gods.

Nike was named after the Greek goddess of victory, and Pandora after the first mortal woman ever created.

Aside from playing games and watching films based on Greek mythology, it is interesting to find out these lesser-known facts.

There are so many everyday things that have origins from thousands of years ago, and discovering how they came about can often feel like a revelation.